Overheating is common
phenomenon to vehicle users, most especially to commuter motorists. Overheating
is an elevated body temperature due to failed thermoregulation
When overheating occurs
the vehicle cannot go any longer, delaying to arrive in the destination, more
infuriating is leaving the passengers stranded at the side of the road. When this
occurs, calm down and inspect if really the cause of the vehicle
breakdown/problem is overheating.
The following are some established causes of
engine overheating.
The radiator may be leaking:
radiator is the component which holds the cooling fluid (water) required to
cool the car’s engine as it circulates through the engine (water galleries or
jacket). Hence when the radiator leaks it must be repaired. Though stopping the
leak may help, it will fall short overtime.
Water Leaks
overheating may be as a result of water leaks in the engine compartment.
Several factors can cause this problem like loose fitting radiator petcock, cheap
or faulty hoses, bad water pump and as mentioned in (1) above leaky radiator.
Radiator Cap
a while, a radiator cap will not work as well as the gasket. The part may be
cracked and therefore requires replacement.
The radiator hoses with coiled wire
inside may collapse when the components are old.
Though the coolant seems to work
properly, there could be a problem with its operation especially when it
circulates through the car engine. When this happens, you must fill the vehicle
radiator while the engine is running. WARNING do this only before the engine
reaches to a very hot temperature.
engine overheating is generally caused the engine cooling systems related
malfunctions such as;
The fan
The radiator
Water pump
Coolant etc.