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Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Overheating is common phenomenon to vehicle users, most especially to commuter motorists. Overheating is an elevated body temperature due to failed thermoregulation
When overheating occurs the vehicle cannot go any longer, delaying to arrive in the destination, more infuriating is leaving the passengers stranded at the side of the road. When this occurs, calm down and inspect if really the cause of the vehicle breakdown/problem is overheating.
 The following are some established causes of engine overheating.

   1.      The radiator may be leaking:

The radiator is the component which holds the cooling fluid (water) required to cool the car’s engine as it circulates through the engine (water galleries or jacket). Hence when the radiator leaks it must be repaired. Though stopping the leak may help, it will fall short overtime.

   2.       Water Leaks

Engine overheating may be as a result of water leaks in the engine compartment. Several factors can cause this problem like loose fitting radiator petcock, cheap or faulty hoses, bad water pump and as mentioned in (1) above leaky radiator.

   3.      Radiator Cap

After a while, a radiator cap will not work as well as the gasket. The part may be cracked and therefore requires replacement.
   4.      The radiator hoses with coiled wire inside may collapse when the components are old.
5.      Though the coolant seems to work properly, there could be a problem with its operation especially when it circulates through the car engine. When this happens, you must fill the vehicle radiator while the engine is running. WARNING do this only before the engine reaches to a very hot temperature.
NOTE: engine overheating is generally caused the engine cooling systems related malfunctions such as;
·         The fan
·         The radiator
·         Water pump

·         Coolant etc.


Owning or being in possession of a vehicle comes with a lot of responsibilities. These responsibilities may include scheduled maintenance fueling, repairs etc. but as important as these aforementioned responsibilities is providing for The Vehicle Checklist.
The vehicle checklist is a list of the things that you must remember to take with you while making use of your vehicle. It involves the basic tools, items and materials that a car owner, driver or user is expected to have at all times in the vehicle.
The following is a list of selected Must Haves in a car/vehicle. It includes:
·         Warning Triangle (C- Caution)
·         Fire Extinguisher
·         Spare Tyres
·         First Aid Kit
·         Torch Light
·         Wheel Spanner
·         Jack
·         Hydraulic Jack
·         Spare Fan Belt
·         Wrench(spanner) and Socket Set
·         Transmission Fluid
·         Water
WARNING: Do not keep fuel (petrol) in the trunk of your vehicle.


This is necessary in case of vehicle break down to warn approaching motorists that there is a breakdown.


This is a very important item required in a vehicle as the vehicle consists of combustible materials. It is necessary in case of fire outbreak. There are two types of fire extinguisher:  DRY POWDER- BCF LIQUID GAS, which each vehicle is expected to carry with required number of units and sizes. A multipurpose fire extinguisher is preferable

VEHICLE            NO REQUIRED             SIZES
Lories                        2 units                            6kg
Luxury buses             2 units                           6kg
Taxis                          1 unit                            1kg
Cars                           1 unit                           1kg

   C.     FIRST AID KIT: 

A first Aid kit should contain the following items

·         Pair of scissors
·         Cotton wool
·         Handkerchiefs
·         Plasters/ dressing for wounds
·         Bandage
·         Disposable gloves
·         Aspirin/ Paracetamol
·         Antibiotics Ointment
·         Antiseptic
·         Antibacterial soap etc.

   D.    JACK: 

The gadget enables you to change your tyre when the need arises.


    This is used along with the Jack to unscrew wheel nuts and tighten them as the need arises.


Amongst the most important components of a vehicle are the TYRES. They are as much important as the vehicle’s engine and fuel, but unfortunately they are the least understood components.
It is important to note that without Tyres, the vehicle is functionless or rather useless. A vehicle requires the Tyres to move, navigate the road and stop.
Hence buying Tyres is a task one need to undertake very carefully otherwise one’s safety and those of others might be at stake. Before you buy Tyres, thorough and serious consideration should be given to:
I.                   The Size of the Tyre
II.                The Age of the Tyre
III.             Physical conditions of the Tyre.

1.      Tyre Size

To determine the size of the Tyre, check on the sidewall of your tyres, you will find figures like 215/75/15R, 195/65/14R etc. The first figure from the left (215) is the width (from side wall to side wall) of the tyre in millimeters (mm); the middle number (75) is referred to as the Aspect ratio which is used to calculate the height of the tyre side wall while the last number 15R refers to the rim diameter. These figures are much required when buying Tyres inorder to get the accurate and specific tyres required by your vehicle as there are various sizes of tyres in the market that can fit your type of vehicle but that does not mean that those sizes are good/safe for your vehicle.
For every vehicle there are specified tyre sizes by the vehicle manufacturer. The placard by the end of the driver’s door, hood or the vehicle’s manual, shows these specifications. It is important to stick to these specifications while buying tyres and don’t be deceived by the tyre seller trying to give you something else. These sizes are specified by the vehicle’s manufacturers by putting a lot of factors into consideration.

2.      Age of the tyre

As important as the tyre size or even more is the age of the tyre but unfortunately most vehicle users as well as tyre sellers find it difficult to determine the age of the tyre hence depends on visual inspection of the physical conditions. It is important to know the age of the tyre, just as limiting as ones age can be when applying for something, age will disqualify a tyre even if every other conditions are satisfied. Generally any tyre more than 6 years old should be replaced and discarded; this is only applicable for quality tyres.
To determine a tyre’s age, still at the sidewalls of the tyre check for the letters DOT. Look around the DOT (either to the left or to the right) until you find a four digit number boldly imprinted on the tyre without any alphabet attached to it. Though some tyres may not have the letters DOT imprinted on them, around the sidewalls you will definitely find the 4 digit numbers. This number represents the date of manufacture of the tyre in week and year. For instance, a 4 digit number of 4215 it means the tyre was manufactured on 42nd week of year 2015. From the date of manufacture the age of the tyre can be determined. Note that how old a tyre is does not start from the date of purchase but the date of manufacture. Even if the tyre looks brand new it is important to check the date.

3.      Physical condition of the tyre

It is important to check the physical condition of the tyre after checking for the size and age.
To investigate for the physical condition, check for cuts, wear (either at the edges or the center) bulges, swells, cracks, warp, because any of these deformities could be a warning sign to let go of the tyre.


The Risks of a bad, oversize, under size, over aged tyre could result to a BLOWOUT,  POOR HANDLING, WOBBLING OF VEHICLE or worst case scenario a CRASH.