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Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Owning or being in possession of a vehicle comes with a lot of responsibilities. These responsibilities may include scheduled maintenance fueling, repairs etc. but as important as these aforementioned responsibilities is providing for The Vehicle Checklist.
The vehicle checklist is a list of the things that you must remember to take with you while making use of your vehicle. It involves the basic tools, items and materials that a car owner, driver or user is expected to have at all times in the vehicle.
The following is a list of selected Must Haves in a car/vehicle. It includes:
·         Warning Triangle (C- Caution)
·         Fire Extinguisher
·         Spare Tyres
·         First Aid Kit
·         Torch Light
·         Wheel Spanner
·         Jack
·         Hydraulic Jack
·         Spare Fan Belt
·         Wrench(spanner) and Socket Set
·         Transmission Fluid
·         Water
WARNING: Do not keep fuel (petrol) in the trunk of your vehicle.


This is necessary in case of vehicle break down to warn approaching motorists that there is a breakdown.


This is a very important item required in a vehicle as the vehicle consists of combustible materials. It is necessary in case of fire outbreak. There are two types of fire extinguisher:  DRY POWDER- BCF LIQUID GAS, which each vehicle is expected to carry with required number of units and sizes. A multipurpose fire extinguisher is preferable

VEHICLE            NO REQUIRED             SIZES
Lories                        2 units                            6kg
Luxury buses             2 units                           6kg
Taxis                          1 unit                            1kg
Cars                           1 unit                           1kg

   C.     FIRST AID KIT: 

A first Aid kit should contain the following items

·         Pair of scissors
·         Cotton wool
·         Handkerchiefs
·         Plasters/ dressing for wounds
·         Bandage
·         Disposable gloves
·         Aspirin/ Paracetamol
·         Antibiotics Ointment
·         Antiseptic
·         Antibacterial soap etc.

   D.    JACK: 

The gadget enables you to change your tyre when the need arises.


    This is used along with the Jack to unscrew wheel nuts and tighten them as the need arises.

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