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Office of DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
German Academic Exchange Service
Regional Office South Asia
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal & Sri Lanka
Master in Germany
Master Studies in Germany
Dear Aspirant,
Welcome to the DAAD! We are happy to know that you are considering Germany as a destination for your higher education. With over 370 universities offering a wide variety of courses in various disciplines to over 240,000 international students among others, Germany is all set to add that extra element to your professional life. We hope that the information we provide you here helps you in making a decision that will lay a solid foundation for your career. Happy reading!
What is the German university system like?
There are mainly two types of institutions of higher education in Germany:
Universities (including Universities of Technology, abbr. TU) are research-oriented and offer a wide variety of subjects. These can award doctorate degrees.
Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen, abbr. FH), on the other hand, are practice-oriented and offer courses mainly in engineering, business administration, social sciences and design. These have strong links to the industry and offer possibilities like joint supervision of the professor and a company for a master thesis.
Fachhochschulen do not award doctorate degrees, however as a master degree holder from a Fachhochschule, one is in principle eligible to apply for a doctoral position at a University.
Your interest and inclination should define which of the two kinds of institutions you choose!
Which is the best university in Germany?
The German answer to this question is: There is no "best university", neither in one subject and certainly not across all subjects. What Germany offers instead is a multidimensional ranking, considering various criteria like student and staff judgments on quality of teaching, atmosphere at the university, library and other equipment, student numbers, average study duration, number of graduations, third party funding etc. Several tables based on these considerations give you a detailed picture of the strengths and weaknesses of each university on Here you can find your programme by selecting a subject, a university or even a city in Germany!
What kind of master programmes does Germany offer?
There is wide range of study programmes with
i. German as medium of instruction
ii. English as the sole or primary medium of instruction, called International Degree Programmes (IDPs). A database of such programmes is available at
Am I eligible to apply for a masters degree course?
In Germany, every university is autonomous. This means that every university / study programme has its own set of criteria for admitting students. So please check the university website, and specifically the course you are interested in to find out the exact admission requirements.
Some generalisation is, however, possible and one can say that as a bachelor degree holder from India, your degree is treated at par with a German bachelor degree and most universities will consider you eligible for masters provided you fulfill other criteria.
DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
German Academic Exchange Service
Regional Office South Asia
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal & Sri Lanka
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